Monday, October 12, 2009


Last week my little man started his pre-preschool. It wasn't exactly what I had anticipated, but it was okay. It gave him the opportunity to meet new children and interact in a different environment, and hopefully it gave us the in we need for him to start preschool at the school when he turns three.

This week was better than okay. It was amazing. The child I took to preschool was well behaved, shared, did not complain when he did not get the toy he wanted. He sang all the songs for circle time, climbed up the play structure, and went down the fire-men pole all by himself (a feat another mom said she had never seen accomplished by a child in that age class). He was patient, he remembered his manners and was helpful to other children. Overall, he was the child I am trying to raise all on his own.

Talk about being proud of your children... he truly brings me joy.

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