Friday, March 27, 2009

So, I've finally taken the time to create a blog. Now, the blog ideas I have had in my head can come to fruition. As my children grow, I find more and more amazing things that I want to remember. Since I don't do well at writing them down, I decided I would create a blog so I can remember them.

Last week we had the most amazing day... it was exactly as I imagined being a stay at home mom would be. We went to story time at the library in the morning - where the small child sang and jumped and actually listened to some of the stories. Then we went to lunch with some friends from story time - he loves going out to eat. After we had a fun lunch we went over to Patty's house and had the most amazing play date ever! Patty lives on the greatest farm ever, and the small child absolutely loves her house and her kids. They played outside for about 3 hours, doing everything from hitting a baseball to feeding the chickens. Just before it was time to go home, he and Megan went inside and were hiding from a ball. The sound of a 2 & 3 year old giggling is the best. We went home for dinner and Alex was there and he got to play outside with his dad for a couple more hours and then went to bed. It was a satisfying day for all.

It's amazing how just enjoying the beautiful weather can make for such a fun day.

This week we went to Randall's Museum in San Francisco, which turned out to be another great day. We went with some friends from church - so of course he had a good time. The museum turned out to be pretty decent, and the small child and the small baby loved the birds.

The small baby has started rolling over. She is not going to be the small baby much longer - she has started to outgrow her newborn clothes and is on her way to the 3-6 month clothes. She is not yet aware that she can roll over. It is usually only when she is very angry, and she's not aware that she does it, so she doesn't do it regularly - maybe only every other day. She is very verbal, and enjoys cooing and giggling at her dad. Every time she makes noise, her big brother says "Uh huh, sister," and looks at her and nods. He loves her very much.

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE that last picture of the kids in the same crib together - so precious :) Thank you for starting a blog - you will love it and so will your readers!
