Friday, April 3, 2009

A Brother's blessing

So, today was another amazing day in the life of the 2 year old. We had friends come over to play, which he loves & then after his nap, he was playing great with his sister. He got off his bus & invited his sister to ride around on it.

Then, we stopped pushing her & he laid his hands on her head & started saying the same words his dad said when he gave him a blessing two nights before. Then he ended his "brother's blessing" the same way he ends all his prayers: "In the name of...".

I cried.

This was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. My child pays attention to & remembers more than I will ever know. I'm so grateful to have a home where love is spoken & he learns the blessings the gospel brings.

1 comment:

  1. I love that! Sammy gives blessings to Nathan too! It's so cute! I guess they do pay attention to what's going on eh? :)
